Tag Archives: air receiver

Stay compliant: When was your air receiver last inspected?

Under WorkSafe WA and AS/NZS 3788:2006 standards, regular air receiver inspections are required to maintain safety and identify any dangerous deterioration. These inspections should be carried out every two years. Why are air receiver inspections required? Air receivers used in the workplace can be potentially dangerous, with the risk of failure and explosion causing property [...]
Air Compressors, Knowledge Hub

The Potential Dangers of Air Receivers

Are the potential dangers of air receivers just a bit of hot air? When comparing electricity or gas compressed air and air receiver systems, you’d be forgiven for thinking that compressed air presents very little danger. However, the reality is that compressed air brings its own set of serious issues to deal with. Air receiver tanks, in particular, present [...]
Knowledge Hub

Compress Your Energy Costs through IVR Variable Speed Compressors

The simple economic model of matching supply with demand optimises productivity and helps control costs. This makes sense not only in the economic world, but also when considering how compressed air is produced and used in a manufacturing facility. Poorly designed and maintained systems waste energy Nessco Pressure Systems knows that compressed air is critical [...]
Air Compressors, Knowledge Hub

CASE STUDY 5 | United Welding Force

United Welding Force selected NPS to design, supply and install a compressed airline system for their new workshop in Welshpool. United Welding Force specialises in providing fabrication services for the mining, industrial and commercial construction sectors; from drafting and fabrication, to surface treatment and transportation. Our Business Development Manager, Dillon Smith, visited their new 70m [...]
Case Study

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274 Welshpool Rd, Welshpool, Perth
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