Live Demonstration a Success at AOG 2015
Our third year in our biggest stand ever, made this year’s Australasian Oil & Gas exhibition both exciting and successful!
Presenting at a larger stand than ever before, NPS had had more room compared to previous displays at the show. As a result, for the first time the stand incorporated a live demonstration of a complete compressed air system, demonstrating how the NPS range is a complete solution.
The components of this system included a CSA10 Ceccato compressor attached to a Hydratron hydraulic DHDA118X Pump. Linking these was our innovative aluminium Infinity Pipe, alongside cutaways of the Hydratron DHDA158 and AZ-2 Series power packs.
Amidst our live operating system, we were excited to officially introduce Hydratron’s Well Head Control Panel into our product range! A WHCP is a Hydraulic power unit with some specific features such as emergency shutdown.
If you would like more information about our products or involvement in AOG, contact our friendly team here!